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Dental Practices' Approach to Patient Safety during COVID-19

submitted on 10 October 2023 by

Introduction: A Wild Ride Through the Pandemic

In these strange and dangerous times, as disease ravages the globe like a bat out of hell, it is important to remember that our teeth still need tending. The dental industry, which previously thrived on a steady diet of cavities, gum disease, and braces, now finds itself staring down the barrel of a highly contagious virus. The question remains: how do dental professionals approach patient safety in the era of COVID-19? Fear not, dear reader, for I have delved into the abyss and emerged with a wealth of knowledge and advice for navigating this brave new world.

Donning the Armor: Personal Protective Equipment

Like modern-day knights, dentists and dental staff are now clad in protective gear, lest they face the wrath of the virus. Gowns, gloves, masks, and face shields provide a shield against the microscopic foe, while patients are also encouraged or required to wear masks when not actively receiving treatment. It's a veritable festival of paranoia, but it's all in the name of safety.

The Waiting Game: Social Distancing and Scheduling

Pre-COVID, dental waiting rooms resembled something akin to purgatory, where one would pass the time flipping through outdated magazines and watching muted talk shows on overhead televisions. But now, social distancing has necessitated reconfigurations of waiting areas, with chairs spaced further apart, or removed entirely. In some practices, the waiting room has become a mere memory, as patients are instructed to check-in via phone and wait outside or in their cars until summoned for their appointment.The age of cramming as many patients as possible into the schedule has passed, as dental practices now operate at a slower pace to allow for increased cleaning and sanitation measures. For those in need of a dental visit, patience and flexibility are the keys to success.

A Sanitized Wonderland: Enhanced Cleaning Protocols

Though dental practices have always adhered to strict hygiene protocols, COVID-19 has sent the cleaning obsession into overdrive. Everything from doorknobs to dental chairs gets wiped down with disinfectant between patients, creating a sterile – if somewhat sterile-smelling – environment. The air itself is cleansed of viral particles, thanks to the installation of HEPA filters and the use of air purifiers. One might say that dental offices have become a haven for germaphobes, but the heightened protocols are necessary to protect both staff and patients from the virus's insidious grasp.

Screening for the Enemy: Pre-Appointment Assessments

Before being granted entrance to the dental fortress, patients must undergo a series of questioning and possibly even temperature checks to ensure they are not harboring the treacherous virus. They are asked about recent travel, potential exposure to COVID-19, and any symptoms they may be experiencing. Those who fail the interrogation are sent packing, urged to seek medical attention, and forced to reschedule their appointments for a later date.

The Great Divide: Physical Barriers

Upon entering the dental office, one may be struck by the sudden appearance of plexiglass barriers. These translucent walls now separate patients from front desk staff, creating a sense of isolation reminiscent of visiting a prison. But fear not, for these barriers are simply another layer in the dental practice's defensive measures against the virus. Communication may be slightly muffled, but it's a small price to pay for the sake of safety.

Embracing Technology: Teledentistry and Touchless Payments

As we hurdle into the future at breakneck speed, dental practices have had little choice but to embrace the digital revolution. Video consultations, or "teledentistry," allow for preliminary assessments and follow-ups to be conducted from the comfort – and safety – of one's own home. Touchless payment options, such as Apple Pay or contactless credit cards, keep physical interactions to a minimum.

Conclusion: A New Reality for Dental Practices

And so, the once calm and familiar world of dentistry has been transformed into a surreal landscape of masks, barriers, and endless sanitation. Patient safety has always been a priority, but COVID-19 has forced dental practices to adapt and evolve in order to protect their patients and staff from an invisible and insidious enemy. While we may long for simpler times, it is crucial that we all do our part to keep one another safe, even if that means suiting up like an astronaut to get our teeth cleaned.
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