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Dental Shenanigans: A Journey Through Night Guard Adventures

submitted on 31 December 2023 by

A Love-Hate Relationship With Night Guards

Oh, night guards! Those wonderful dental devices that protect our precious pearly whites from the ravages of nocturnal grinding and gnashing, while simultaneously making us feel like we're gnawing on a rubbery chew toy. But let's face it, as much as we may despise these dental accoutrements, they're a necessary evil.So, in the spirit of bravely facing our dental destiny, let's take a rambunctious romp through the wild world of night guards, unraveling the tales of their tumultuous past and unearthing the secrets to a harmonious relationship with these peculiar protectors of our chompers.

History: Gags, Grunts, and Gritted Teeth

Did you know that the first night guard was rumored to have been created by a deranged dentist in the 18th century who used a modified horse's bit to prevent his sleepwalking patients from unwittingly chewing on their bedposts? It's true! Well, not really, but it does make for an entertainingly absurd mental image, doesn't it?In reality, the history of night guards is far less dramatic. It turns out that they were most likely invented in the early 1900s as a means of protecting the gnashers of boxers, football players, and other athletes who had a propensity for smashing their faces into things. From there, it was only a matter of time until some enterprising dentist realized that they could be repurposed to protect the teeth of non-athletes who still had an unfortunate habit of grinding their pearly whites during the night.

Tips for Taming the Night Guard Beast

Now that we've established that night guards are essentially sports gear for your mouth, it's time to move on to the next pressing concern: how the heck do you get used to wearing one of these things? Fear not, for I shall share my wisdom on the matter. Here are a few tips for taming the night guard beast.

1. Practice Makes (Almost) Perfect

Wearing a night guard can feel downright bizarre and uncomfortable at first, like you've been cursed by a vengeful tooth fairy. But, as with most curses, persistence is key. Try wearing your night guard for short periods during the day, gradually increasing the time until you're comfortable enough to sleep with it. Soon enough, you'll be so used to it that you'll forget it's even there (until your significant other reminds you with a horrified expression).

2. Keep It Clean

There's nothing worse than waking up to find a night guard that smells like it's been fermenting in the depths of a dragon's lair all night. To avoid this unsavory situation, make sure to clean your night guard regularly with a toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste, and store it in a well-ventilated container when you're not using it. And please, for the love of all things dental, don't forget to clean the container itself!

3. Customize It

One size does not fit all when it comes to night guards, so it's essential to find one that fits your unique dental landscape. Custom night guards can be made by your dentist, ensuring a snug and secure fit that won't have you waking up feeling like you've spent the night chewing on a rubber doorstop. Yes, custom night guards can be more expensive, but can you really put a price on a good night's sleep and healthy teeth?

4. Embrace the Look

Finally, when all else fails, it's time to embrace the look. Night guards may not be the most fashionable accessory, but they're a heck of a lot better than a mouthful of broken teeth and expensive dental bills. So, go ahead and rock your night guard with pride, knowing that you're doing your part to preserve your dental health and looking fabulous(ish) while doing it.

A Grinding Conclusion

So, there you have it: a whirlwind tour through the world of night guards, complete with a (mostly) factual history and some hard-earned tips for coexisting with these dental beasts. Remember, as much as we may resent these rubbery intruders, they're here to protect our teeth and help us avoid painful dental problems down the road. So, embrace your night guard, and happy grinding!
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